Automotive apps

Fleet Management Software – Apps

Title: ODO Fleet Management

Overview: We were asked to develop and design two apps for ODO on the go to support their flagship SAAS application for fleet management.

Solution: Drive solutions approached wedoApps to help develop their mobile platform to deliver a solution for their ODO platform for mobile users. We undertook 8 months pre planning, shaping the framework and consulting on the best approach from the app interface to the actual code solution in two native formats for ios and Android.

We were able to deliver two apps connected to the ODO backend, that allows the driver to manage their fleet vehicle, journey and anything else that a driver might need.


  1. Fit to drive questions before being in front of the wheel.
  2. Driver Alerts, that can be sent.
  3. Drivers Documents.
  4. Odometer Readings before and after a trip.
  5. Fuel Transactions.
  6. Vehicle Inspections.
  7. Accident Reporting.
Fleet Management Software - Apps 1
Fleet Management Software - Apps 2

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